July 24, 2017
I woke up pretty late the next day, not only had I traveled all day, but I had stayed up late. After waking up, I got dressed, made my bed, and went to go eat breakfast. For breakfast/lunch I had chicken with rice (it was very good). Ange had told me the previous night that she would take me to my school the next day if I wanted (I of course said yes). So after breakfast, we headed out to my school. I knew that I needed to get on the blue bus, so after a while, we spotted one and we got on. To ride the bus is around 1 sole (3.3 soles = 1 dollar). This was my first time on the bus and it was interesting. Peruvians come on the bus to sell things or beg for money. Ange and I sat near the back of the bus and we were talking about the locations of districts in Lima, so Ange pulled up google maps. We then realized that we were headed the wrong direction and we promptly got off the bus. Then we looked around for a new bus that would take us in the right direction. It didn't take long to find one and we quickly got on. When the man that collects the money approached us, he asked where I was from (because I don't look Peruvian) and asked if I was Venezuelan (maybe I look like a Latina...? jk). Many Venezuelans have fled to Peru because it is close and Venezuela isn't doing too great. Angye explained that I was from the United States. We paid the man and waited until we got closer to the school before we got off. Once we got off and walked a little bit, I saw my school for the first time in person.
The school is small, and after walking in I realized Catholic (I was unsure before). I met the director of my school (who is a Rotarian in my Rotary Club). She was very nice and she directed us to the office lady. I don't know exactly what was discussed, but it involved my uniform and the sizes/prices. I also had to give the lady my passport for a form of the school. After we got all the school stuff sorted out, Ange and I left so we could go to the shopping mall.
My first night, I discovered that in Peru, shoes are worn in the house at all times. Additionally, I needed a pair of sandals for the shower because when showering, you wear flip flops. The first night I used Angye's but I needed my own so we went around and looked for a pair. We found them, bought them, and left the mall. While the mall has stores I am unfamiliar with, many of the stores are American.
After we returned home, Ange and I went to the family car and met the mechanic there. After being introduced, they poked around with the car. After a while, I grew more tired and fell asleep in the car while they kept working on it (it wouldn't start). Afterwards, we went home and I took a real nap. Once I woke up, Ange, Mama, and I all went over the first night questions. These were very useful and I would recommend them to all outbounds. In fact, Angye requested them for herself, and to her delight, I was able to send her a copy of questions in Spanish and in French.
That night, I talked more with Nati and Angye about America and politics. I took another cold shower but I didn't make a mess (one loss, one win). And I crashed again in bed because I was still tired.
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A lovely beginning to your adventure.