August 18, 2017
After school, I got home and started packing my bags for Ica. My family was heading to the desert for the weekend so that we could go the Baptism of my adorable baby host cousin. My Tia was to become the Godmother of the cutie pie, so we needed to get down there. I attempted to do my homework, failed, and then got into the car to get to Ica. I slept most of the way, as did everyone, and we arrived around Midnight. After arriving at our house, we all got around for the night and went to bed.
August 19, 2017
On Saturday I woke up around 8:30 and got around for the day. I ate breakfast (bread stuffed with chicken and onions) and talked with Ange and Mama. Eventually we all set out with Mamita and headed to a beauty parlor thing. I have been to to one in Lima (it was for sewing and shoes), but the one in Ica was only for beauty. You basically enter the building and it is like a mini mall, with shop after shop of the same thing. Upon entering, we all searched for colors we wanted our nails to be, and we ended up all spreading out. I waited with Mamita as she got her nails done, and Angye went with Mama to get their hair done. After a while, another nail lady arrived and I started to get my nails done. Before I knew it, Angye was bringing Mamita and I juice. After my nails were done (I got a nude color since I am not allowed to have nail polish with my uniform), I went to join Angye at the hairdresser. Upon my arrival, Ange asked if I wanted to get my hair done. After telling her yes, it was decided that I would be getting my hair done after Naty (who had arrived later with Tia).
Upon sitting in the chair, the plan for them to get my hair curled changed to waves, and then to them straightening my hair. I didn't know what they were saying, but all of a sudden my hairdresser gave me a deep part and the other hair dresser pulled my hair back to mimic the hairstyle they were going to give me. I wasn't really sure what was going on, but before I knew it my hair was getting straightened. I wasn't too keen on the hairdresser's idea for my style so while she straightened my hair, I planned on what I would be saying so that I didn't get their intended hairstyle. However, as soon as my hair was straightened, the second hairdresser pounced on my hair and before I knew it, I had gel in my hair, and I was receiving my first cornrow. I was kinda in shock, but I was more focused on the fact that I thought I might go bald from how hard the hairdresser was pulling on my hair. I had been told that cornrows were painful, but I thought I might be bald after my experience. Once getting out of the chair, I headed back to the nail lady who was now working on Angye's nails.
Close picture of what my hair looked like (minus I only had one large cornrow) |
While I think Shakira can pull this look off, I personally don't think it was the most flattering. Additionally, I was heading to a baptism and not a rock concert, so I wasn't too happy with the look. When Angye saw me she did a double take and asked if I liked it. Mamita approached me, and all she had to say was "Oh" (and not in a good way). So I sat in a chair and waited for Angye to get her nails done until Mama came and pulled me away so that I would eat. After eating, I returned to Angye and Mama, Tia, Naty, and Mamita all left to return to the house. Angye and I talked while she got her toes done, and when she was finished I asked her to ask her kind nail lady how much it would cost to have her straighten my hair where the cornrow was. I ended up costing me 5 soles (1.54) to have this lady fix my hair. It was definitely worth it, as I felt much more comfortable after my hair was looking normal and church ready. After my hair got fixed, we set off in a mototaxi for the house. We ended up having to go back to the mall because Angye forgot her things in our mad dash back home. Nonetheless we eventually got home, changed, and got ready for the baptism. I was feeling pretty confident as I walked out to join the rest of my host family until I realized they were all wearing dresses and heels (I was in jeans and tennis shoes). Now feeling horrible underdresses, I promised myself to never ask Naty how formal something was (Angye told me Naty doesn't believe in dressing up).
Upon arriving at the church, we all stood outside and took pictures...
I'm going to miss my Nena <3 |
Mama and I :) |
Afterwards we headed into the church and the process began. Can't say I remember going to a baptism in English, but it was definitely harder to understand in Spanish. During the ceremony Mama got a call and she left our pew. I didn't think anything of it, but when she returned she was very quiet and she and Angye began to quietly converse. I was super confused but I didn't think anything had happened until after the ceremony had ended and Angye and Mama told Tia something that made her begin to cry.
Pre-Bad news: Tia, Renato, baby Ranata, Anaiss, & Kiko |
We promptly left the church and headed back home. I had Nati explain to me what exactly was going on. After being informed, we all got around again but for cute little Renada's Birthday party. We arrived very early and we all talked with the family and ate more food. I wasn't really sure what was all going on with the Two passing away, but I just followed what my host family did. Eventually I headed over to where the party was being held, and I got a little jealous of this spoiled baby. It was hands down the largest birthday party I had ever been to...
It seemed a little extravagant for a party for a child that won't remember anything but it was all very cute. There was of course a magician as well...
The slightly creepy mouse magician |
Me and the cousin :))) |
The party was a lot of fun and included kids dancing around, loud music, a piñata, and of course some good Peruvian food. After the party had ended, we all went and met in my Aunt's house. The talking of the Uncle began again because Mama, Tia, Nati, and Angye all had to go to the funeral. I didn't really want to go, but Mama didn't want to leave me home by myself so I had no choice but to go.
After we arrived, we all kissed everyone hello. I felt horrible when I saw my Tia Carmen crying (it was her brother that passed away). I gave her a hug and a kiss and then sat down with Angye and my host cousin. We all just talked quietly around the coffin until we all eventually returned to the car. After that we drove back to the house and called it a night.
August 20, 2017
The next day I woke up and we all waited around the house. I wasn't really sure what we were doing but we talked and blew bubbles we had gotten the previous night at the party. We began to clean the house so that we could leave and so that when we returned a different weekend, it was ready for us. While we were cleaning and dancing around, the doors began to rattle very strongly and next thing I know Angye shouted "Terremoto" (earthquake) and we all sprinted down the stairs out front. While nothing drastic happened, it was my first earthquake. It completely caught me by surprise, and while I wouldn't say it was the most terrifying thing, it definitely got my heart racing. After a few minutes we went back into the house, but it made you question if everything was safe. Nonetheless, we eventually finished cleaning and headed out to my Aunt's house. We ate lunch and visited a bit more until we left again. I thought we were leaving and going home, but we ended up driving to where the funeral had been the previous day. Naty, Angye, and I all stayed in the car while everyone else got out.
Naty, Angye, and I ended up just sitting in the car and talking. It got very hot pretty quickly, but we all prevailed. I met Angye's host family on Skype (as did Mama and other various family members). After a while everyone began to exit the building. All of a sudden, I saw the coffin being carried by family members out of the building as well. The women carried flowers and a few were throwing petals on the coffin. There was a band playing music behind them as the coffin was carried down the street with all of the family members walking and helping. They were all dancing with the coffin, going up and down and back and forth. It was definitely different from the funeral I had gone to in the United States.
Before I knew it, Mama and Tio had joined us back in the car and we went around the corner to follow the coffin. As we waited behind the coffin, we rolled down our windows to converse with other family members waiting. Eventually we passed the coffin and headed for the cemetery. During our ride there, my Tia began singing in Quechua (Native Language in Peru). It was honestly one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. I had no idea what he was singing about but it was eerie and full of longing. Eventually, we got out of the car and walked around before the coffin caught up with us. The family didn't carry it the whole way (it was very far) but had loaded into a vehicle and then taken it out to carry again. Flowers were continually being thrown as they all walked toward a place to set the grave. At one point, Angye and Mama were carrying the coffin, until they set it down and songs were sung and speeches given.
After the speeches and songs were done, the coffin was picked back up again and was carried to the burial site. Here more speeches were given after they placed the coffin inside (all the coffins are above the ground in a wall thing). After the coffin was placed inside, speeches and songs continued while someone sealed the grave. Afterwards we went back to the car, and headed back home.